It is common and stereotypical for students, especially seniors, to lose motivation and willpower for school and assignments as the year progresses. Especially towards the end of the year, the difference in quality of work is dramatically seen from the start of the school year if one gives into the “senioritis” feeling. Skipping class, turning in late assignments (or not turning them in at all), low quality work, and efforts declining are just some of the many results mainly towards the end of the school year from the cause of being burnt out. However, in high school and college, these allocated years are one of the most crucial years for the future. Everything after builds off of what you have shown to achieve and accomplish. It's important to keep this fact in mind trying to persevere through the last few months of the year. As scary as it sounds, the decisions you make now will impact your life in the future. Pushing through and still trying your absolute best is a way where you will not regret what you could and couldn't have done. A helpful way to fight through the second semester is to create a planner or schedule for yourself. Planning out exactly what you have to do and when you will allocate the time to do so will allow you to abide by a schedule that makes sure you get all respective tasks complete in a timely manner. It can also help you visualize your day, month, and week to better keep track of what needs to be done.
Another critical key tip is to ask for help. When stress seems to be taking up all your thoughts, it's easy to lose motivation and completely halt on priorities. Asking for help, whether it be help with a subject from a peer or teacher, or help emotionally from somebody you trust or a therapist, allows you to have another perspective on your situation and somebody to hold you accountable for yourself. Trying to set goals is another helpful aspect of staying motivated. Setting reasonable and feasible goals for the second semester gives you something specific to accomplish which in turn makes you more likely to actually achieve it. Rather than setting long-term, dramatic goals, focus on the day to day goals you want to achieve. Mentioning a planner again, a planner can help you get track of these goals. In addition, exercise is another important aspect of trying to stay motivated through the second semester or last few months of school. Exercising, whether it be for ten minutes or an hour, releases endorphins and overall can put one in a much better mood than before. Exercising can allow you to be more productive throughout a day overall as your body is awake and ready to go. It also gives you a better motivation to complete tasks as you have already set your body in motion. In conclusion, it is completely understandable to find it harder to be more motivated during the last stretch of school. However, being able to persevere through many different aspects mentioned before will allow you to feel accomplished and not regret what could have occurred. What you work hard for now is something you will later be proud and thankful of in your life.
Bukhtawar Khan